HACCP Portal

Our Cloud Based HACCP management system is a powerful and comprehensive solution designed to ensure the highest standards of food safety and quality in various industries, particularly in food production and processing. This system leverages technology to streamline and enhance the management of critical control points and associated processes

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HACCP Portal

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Personalized Electronic Forms:

Create customized electronic forms tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that they capture the exact data and information required for your processes.

Timestamps for All User Activities:

Every user action, from form submissions to approvals and edits, is automatically timestamped, providing a comprehensive audit trail for accountability and traceability.

Automated Notifications and Summary Reports:

Receive real-time automated notifications and detailed summary reports delivered to designated users, keeping everyone informed and up-to-date on critical activities and outcomes.

Dual-Step Verification for Sign-offs:

Enhance security and accuracy with a dual-step verification process for sign-offs, requiring confirmation from multiple authorized personnel before proceeding.

Management Oversight Through Required Approval Summaries:

Ensure management oversight and control by mandating approval summaries, allowing managers to review and authorize critical actions and decisions before they are executed.

Integration of Forms into Various Workflow Stages:

Seamlessly integrate electronic forms into different workflow stages, such as receiving, manufacturing, shipping, and quarantine, ensuring a cohesive and streamlined process throughout your operations.

Supplier and Customer Access Portal

Provide suppliers and customers with secure access portals where they can easily complete required forms and attach essential documents, promoting efficient collaboration and information sharing within your supply chain

Enhanced Food Safety:

  • Ensures the highest standards of food safety and quality.
  • Minimizes the risk of foodborne illnesses and contamination.
  • Enables proactive identification and mitigation of potential hazards.

Efficient Compliance Management:

  • Simplifies compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards.
  • Provides automated record-keeping and reporting for audits and inspections.
  • Reduces the likelihood of compliance violations and associated penalties.

Real-time Monitoring and Alerts:

  • Monitors critical control points (CCPs) and processes in real time.
  • Issues immediate alerts and notifications for deviations from established control measures.
  • Enables timely corrective actions to prevent product recalls or quality issues.

Streamlined Documentation:

  • Replaces paper-based record-keeping with digital documentation.
  • Facilitates easy access to historical data and reports.
  • Reduces paperwork and administrative overhead.

Increased Operational Efficiency:

  • Optimizes workflow and resource allocation.
  • Automates routine tasks and processes, reducing manual labor.
  • Improves the overall efficiency of food production and processing.

Improved Risk Management:

  • Identifies and assesses potential risks more effectively.
  • Allows for risk mitigation strategies to be implemented promptly.
  • Enhances overall risk management and decision-making.

Centralized Data Access:

  • Facilitates easy access to HACCP data and reports from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Supports collaboration among multiple stakeholders, including suppliers and customers.

Cost Reduction:

  • Reduces the costs associated with manual data entry and paperwork.
  • Minimizes the financial impact of food safety incidents and recalls.

Continuous Improvement:

  • Promotes a culture of continuous improvement in food safety practices.
  • Allows for data-driven decision-making to enhance processes and product quality.

Supplier and Customer Confidence:

  • Builds trust with suppliers and customers through a robust HACCP program.
  • Demonstrates a commitment to product safety and quality.

Scalability and Adaptability:

  • Scales to accommodate the growth of your business.
  • Adapts to changing industry regulations and requirements.

HACCP Portal

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What our trusted clients say

“Thanks for your help, we received an AA (BRC rating) which is the highest grade, No NC’s N’s with traceability. Thank you for all your support and great work to the entire Verify team”

Aliya JiwaniTraining and Development Manager, Chef Bombay

“Before Verify everything was manual, we now use tablets and handhelds which free up a lot of resources and peoples time”

Karolina RyczkowskaStock Controller, Seery's Bakery

“The Verify system is a fantastic system, it takes the mundane work off us.”

Mark O'SullivanOwner, CL Meats

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All of our products and platforms are web based and run on a SQL back end database so they can scale to enterprise type requirements where necessary. Making our technology very adaptable and customizable.