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Verify Technologies General Terms And Conditions

NOTE: Customer specific Terms and Conditions may vary from those published here.

Service Level Agreement

Enterprise Application Support & Hosted Cloud Portals

 This Service Level Agreement documents the responsibilities and commitments of Verify Technologies Limited, in respect of Hosting and On-line Management of the Verify Technologies Software Platform.


For the purposes of this Service Level Agreement (SLA) the following definitions shall apply.

Verify Technologies means the company Verify Technologies Limited.
Client  means the company signing up to the service.
Business Day means Monday to Friday 8:00a.m to 6:00p.m. in customers local market
Sales Portal Means the Verify Technologies Sales and Dispatches management web based Portal
Purchasing Portal Means the Verify Technologies Sales and Dispatches management web based Portal
Production Portal Means the Verify Technologies Production management web based Portal
Quality Portal Measn the Verify Technologies Quality management web based Portal
Server means the physical computer machine(s) hosting the Verify Technologies portals and background support software, operating system and support databases.
SITE Means the one physical site of the Client
SLA means Service Level Agreement, this agreement.


The purpose of this agreement is to outline the Service, Support and Maintenance issues relating to the Software supplied by Verify Technologies to Subscribed users of the Verify platform. for the following portals and Verify Technologies support libraries;


Verify Technologies shall provide support for all application software provided to Subscribed users of the Verify platform

The key support objective from Verify Technologies, at all times, will be to keep the cloud deployment for Subscribed users of the Verify platform operational and effect minimal disruption of day to day service Subscribed users of the Verify platform personnel using our systems.

NOTE: Where possible Verify Technologies will endeavour to provide a “bug fix” within the specified times stated in Paragraph 6 of this SLA (Severity Codes & availability). If this is not possible then the Bug fix will be implemented, as a priority, at the soonest time possible.

Hours of Service

The hours of service relating to this SLA shall be:

8:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. in the customers local market

The days of service relating to this SLA shall be:

Normal Business working days Monday to Friday Inclusive.

The Days of service excluded to this SLA shall be:

Public and Bank holidays given in local region

Telephone Support

Telephone support will be available during a Business Day (Mon-Friday, 8:00a.m. to 6:00p.m GMT) for issues relating to hosting or services covered under this agreement.

Email Support

Email support is available to a designated support address which is on a 24×7 basis. Verify Technologies will provide a response to any correctly raised support request within the timelines agreed upon in the “Severity Codes and Availability” section in this agreement.


Limits on scope of service

This Service Level Agreement relates to the on-going management, support and software license costs associated with the Verify Technologies Cloud Platform. Items excluded from this Service Level Agreement, but not limited to, include:

  • Any new Development items required by Subscribed users of the Verify platform that do not directly relate to Verify Technologies products will be reviewed on a case by case basis and the support requirements might operate for these items outside of this service level agreement and the service level agreement details may be covered in a separate agreement.
  • User Desktop Support (i.e. Client side Support).
  • Verify Technologies build software and products around the suite of Microsoft products including, IIS, Microsoft .net Development environment, Microsoft .net framework or other third party products. The Verify software is tested and verified on specific versions of these products. If significant issues arise in relation to services or support on these Microsoft products or third party products, then Subscribed users of the Verify platform and Verify will review the issues jointly and agree the best course of action to take to resolve these problems.
  • Evaluation of new Hardware or Software items or Procurement of New Hardware of software items. However, Verify Technologies will ensure to maintain compatibility with latest supported releases of windows platforms and other systems specified in “c” above.

Severity Codes & Availability

The following characteristics are used to identify the severity of a problem report (A “bug”):

    • Business and financial exposure
    • Work outage
    • Number of clients affected
    • Workaround
    • Acceptable resolution time

It is not necessary (nor is it likely) to have perfect match of each characteristic to categorize a problem report at a specific severity level. A given problem must be judged against each of the characteristics to make an overall assessment of which severity level best describes the problem. The Verify Technologies support agent and Subscribed users of the Verify platform. personnel jointly determine the initial severity rating for the report. Level 2 and level 3 support personnel may then negotiate with Subscribed users of the Verify platform personnel to modify this severity after the report is elevated to them.

NOTE: Bugs are not to be confused with NEW features or requirements. BUGS are relating to some published/specified operation or feature WHICH EXISTS in the package but has been proven not to work correctly.

Severity 1 (Critical)


Severity 2


Severity 3 (Medium) Severity 4


Business and financial exposure
The application failure creates a serious business and financial exposure. The application failure creates a serious business and financial exposure. The application failure creates a low business and financial exposure. The application failure creates a minimal business and financial exposure.
Work Outage
  The application failure causes the client to be unable to work or perform some significant portion of their job.


The application failure causes the client to be unable to work or perform some significant portion of their job.


The application failure causes the client to be unable to perform some small portion of their job, but they are still able to complete most other tasks.

May also include questions and requests for information.

The application failure causes the client to be unable to perform a minor portion of their job, but they are still able to complete most other tasks.
Number of Clients Affected
The application failure affects a large number of clients. The application failure affects a large number of clients. The application failure affects a small number of clients. The application failure may only affect one or two clients.
Workaround [This item carries the heaviest weighting of the characteristics for Severity 1 and 2.]
There is no acceptable workaround to the problem (i.e., the job cannot be performed in any other way). There is an acceptable and implemented workaround to the problem (i.e., the job can be performed in some other way). There may or may not be an acceptable workaround to the problem. There is likely an acceptable workaround to the problem.
Response Time


Within one (1) hour.


Within two (2) hours. Within eight (8) hours or by next business day (GMT). Within eight (8) hours or by next business day (GMT).
Resolution Time
The maximum acceptable resolution time is 4 hours, after initial response time. The maximum acceptable resolution time is 8 hours after the initial response time The maximum acceptable resolution time is 5 business days. The maximum acceptable resolution time is 15 calendar days.

Availability of Server

As used herein, the term “Web Site Availability” means the percentage of a particular month (based on a business day for the number of days in the subject month) that the content of customer’s Web site is available for access by third parties via HTTP and HTTPS, as measured by Verify Technologies.

Subject to Sub-Sections 3 and 4 of this section, if the Web Site Availability of the HOSTED PORTAL Web site is less than 99.5%, on any given month, Verify Technologies will issue a credit to the client in accordance with the following schedule, with the credit being calculated on the basis of the monthly service charge for the affected Services minus any software license fees and hardware usage fees included as part of the monthly service price.

Web Site Availability Credit Percentage
99.5% to 100% 0% service credit
97% to 99.5% 10% service credit
95% to 96.999% 25% service credit
90% to 94.999% 50% service credit
89.9% or below 100% service credit

The maximum service credit to be issued in any calendar month will be 100% of the Verify Technologies monthly service charge for that month.


Client shall not receive any credits under this SLA in connection with any failure or deficiency of Web Site Availability caused by or associated with:

    • circumstances beyond VERIFY TECHNOLOGIES reasonable control, including, without limitation, acts of any governmental body, war, insurrection, sabotage, armed conflict, embargo, flood, strike or other labor disturbance, interruption of or delay in transportation, supplies, or national power outage for prolonged periods;
    • failure of access circuits to the VERIFY TECHNOLOGIES Network, unless such failure is caused solely by VERIFY TECHNOLOGIES;
    • Scheduled maintenance; Scheduled maintenance periods will be agreed in advance with Subscribed users of the Verify platform
    • Client issues with FTP, POP, IMAP, or SMTP client access;
    • Client’s acts or omissions (or acts or omissions of others engaged or authorized by client), including, without limitation, custom scripting or coding (e.g., CGI, Perl, HTML, ASP, etc), any negligence, willful misconduct, or use of the Services in breach of Verify Technologies Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy;
    • Client e-mail or webmail delivery and transmission;
    • DNS (Domain Name Server) Propagation.
    • Outages elsewhere on the Internet that hinder access to your account. VERIFY TECHNOLOGIES is not responsible for browser or DNS caching that may make your site appear inaccessible when others can still access it. VERIFY TECHNOLOGIES will guarantee only those areas considered under the control of VERIFY TECHNOLOGIES: VERIFY TECHNOLOGIES server links to the Internet, Verify Technologies routers, and Verify Technologies servers.

Credit Request and Payment Procedures

To request a credit for service accounts, the client must contact VERIFY TECHNOLOGIES Support in the first instance for confirmation.

Each request in connection with this SLA must include the dates and times of the unavailability of client’s Web site and must be received by VERIFY TECHNOLOGIES within ten (10) calendar days after the client’s Web Site was not available. If the unavailability is confirmed by VERIFY TECHNOLOGIES, credits will be applied within two billing cycles after Verify Technologies receipt of the client’s credit request. Credits are not refundable and can be used only towards future billing charges.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the total amount credited to client in a particular month under this SLA shall not exceed the total hosting fee, minus software license fees and hardware usage fees included as part of the monthly service price, paid by client for such month for the affected Services.

Credits are exclusive of any applicable taxes charged to client or collected by VERIFY TECHNOLOGIES and are client’s sole and exclusive remedy with respect to any failure or deficiency in the Web Site Availability of client’s Web site (Verify Technologies Cloud Platform & Products). 

Disaster Recovery

In the event of a catastrophic occurrence (e.g., major power outage, major network outage, fire, earthquake, etc.), Verify Technologies will work to restore systems as quickly as possible under those conditions. Prioritisation of support will be based upon the nature and extent of the situation, as well as the importance of the individual systems to the client. Verify Technologies will provide Subscribed users of the Verify platform. with a detailed disaster recovery plan in a separate document.


Verify Technologies will provide a daily backup of client database(s) which form part of the product solution provided under this contract. This backup is an incremental backup and is on a different (off-site) data center to the one which hosts the product Solution which forms part of this SLA. Upon termination of this agreement Verify Technologies can provide the client with a copy of the backup if requested within 14 days of termination of this contract.

If it is necessary to restore data from a backup then Verify Technologies will be responsible for this restoration during the term of this agreement.


Changes to the SLA


This agreement shall remain in force until terminated by either party. The Client has the right to terminate their use of the service at any time for any reason. The Client must give, in writing, a 30-day notice prior to withdrawal from the service. Based upon the actual work performed to date, and if charges have been assessed beyond this timeframe, a pro-rated refund will be generated to the client. In the unlikely situation that Verify Technologies chooses to discontinue offering of this service, at least 2 months prior notice will be given or a mutually agreed upon time frame established.


Any amendment to the Terms and Conditions of this agreement shall require the written approval of Subscribed users of the Verify platform and Verify Technologies management.


This agreement will be automatically renewed on an annual basis on the anniversary of the signed date of the agreement unless notified in writing, by either party, 30 days in advance of the termination date. If required, either party may request a re-negotiation of the terms of this agreement prior to the annual renewal date, by indicating this request in writing.



Entire Agreement

This Agreement contains the entire agreement and understanding of the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, understanding or arrangements (both oral or written) relating to the subject matter of this Agreement.


This Agreement may only be amended in writing signed by or on behalf of all of the parties to the Agreement at the relevant time.


If any provisions of this Agreement (or of any document referred to herein) is or at any time becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect, the legality, validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement (or such document) shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.

Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of United Stated of America as the same is applicable to contracts to be wholly delivered in the United States of America and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the United States of America.
